Why KBI is different from other Bible schools
Keystone Bible Institute is a different kind of Bible educational institution.
Not studies about God, our courses are encounters with God!
Keystone Bible Institute (KBI) provides the most extensive, integrated, biblically based, Spirit-anointed, life-transforming curriculum package available in the area. Our mission is to raise up Spirit-Anointed leaders who disciple nations as you improve your sensitivity to the voice of God.
KBI has adopted the Hebrew style of learning that is Real-Life, biblically grounded,
revelation-based learning!
Real Life = birthed from real issues and taught from real life experiences.
Biblically grounded = you see your life's experiences in the light of Scripture.
Revelation-based = God speaks to YOU in each and every learning experience.
This intensely practical focus brings about life transformation faster than any other approach.
Lamad courses offer you the opportunity for small group interaction, pastoral oversight and guidance, fellowship, teaching, hands-on experience in the classroom and in the local congregation. Lamad training is active rather than passive.
You can earn a certificate or a diploma at KBI and we will assist you
in exploring a degree through Christian Leadership University.